Hi everyone,

I recently saw a quote that hit me: “Whatever determines your happiness is what you do every day.”

I am not sure who wrote that quote, but it’s a good one. Happiness is not easy. It’s what you do every day.

So, if you watch TV for hours a day, or eat crappy food for the majority of your meals, how do you expect to be happy? Watching TV doesn’t help us live happier lives. It might make us laugh or lose ourselves in the moment, but it won’t help us live a happier life.

I am not saying there isn’t a place for these things sometimes. Life is about balance.

Here are some things that I do daily to help me stay focused on changing my story to create happiness:

  • Moving: That might mean walking, swimming or hiking. It can be any activity to get me moving.
  • Eating Healthy Foods: This one is pretty straightforward, but if you need some guidance, do a Google search before you make your next trip to the grocery store.
  • Staying Hydrated: And no, I don’t mean lots of soda, beer, or energy drinks. Drink water!
  • Meditating or Journaling: If those two things aren’t your jam, practice waking up being grateful or help someone during the day.

So, think about what it’s going to take for you to be happier. How do you want to change your story? What are some things you can do to make that story an awesome one?

Life is good.


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